Sunday, July 13, 2003

If You Held A Gun To My Head (part 3 of 10)

...or, If I Could Only Go To Ten Fringe Shows...

what would they be, and why?

Voice-In-Head: Improv Headphone-Guided Futurismo
The Theatrical Music Company at Minneapolis Theater Garage

This is just one of those things that's so odd, and frankly (delightfully) insane, that I have to go at least once just to see if it works. I'll probably go more than once, since it's a new experience with a new cast each evening. Every night of the Fringe, after all the other shows have been put to bed (11:20pm all nights but Sundays, when it's 9:50pm), 13 different volunteer performers from other Fringe shows are chosen at random - right before showtime, costumed and given a set of headphones and a MP3 player to strap on. The cast all hit their Play buttons at the same time, and they're off, creating a show as instructed by their individual set of directions over the headphones. And sometimes, the headphones just tell them to cut loose and improv something - so we may be getting selections from a number of other shows woven into this one. Sound like fun? Hit the website that's linked to their Fringe listing and sign up as a volunteer performer. I, and many others, will happily watch the magical marvelous highwire act that results.

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