Saturday, July 19, 2003

Numbers Game

Funky search trick #1

Shows like "3 Way" and "5 Women on a Hill In Spain" don't show up where you think they will on the list.

Because they have numbers in the title, they get booted to the front of the alphabet and the top of any list of all shows.

Which is a crafty way to set yourself apart from the pack, I must admit. (Particulary the other number show, using the ever popular 69, second only to "3 Way" in arousing prurient interesting without actually using the word "sex" in the title.)

But you have to enter the number, rather than spell it out, if you want to find them with a specific search.

Typing in "Five" gets you only a blank stare and an error message.

5 is the password to Outward Spiral this year - or you can catch them by doing a "Queer Content" search - same with 3 and 69 (shocking, I know)

"Three" gets you "Three on a Seesaw", not "3 Way."

And so it goes...

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