Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Waiting Is the Hardest Part

You may notice I'm mentioning folks on the wait list.

According to Fringe folk at the lottery, last year they got down to number 58 on the wait list.

This doesn't mean that 58 of the people currently on the wait list are getting in.

It just means the Fringe staff worked their way down the list as openings appeared in the schedule due to people dropping out.

Many people just couldn't hold on long enough and moved on to other projects. So they were unable to take the Fringe up on the offer when they came calling.

After the lottery, those on the wait list were given their checks back. The Fringe doesn't sit on your money on the off chance you might get in. Most artists don't have that kind of spare cash just lying around (I know I don't). So often the money goes to mounting something else on your own.

Five groups have already pulled out of the waiting list this year. Granted, they were pretty far down in the pecking order, so chances weren't good they'd get the call anyway. Meanwhile, everyone else is staying put. That will likely change weekly. I'll try to stay on top of things but if I make a mistake, forgive me. No harm meant.

If I mention someone on the waiting list, it's just because they tickle my fancy and I'm hoping they make the final cut. As always with the Fringe, there are numerous great acts on either side of that dividing line. We'll just have to see how it all shakes out.

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