Monday, August 04, 2008

More Reviews for "The Bronze Bitch Flies At Noon" and "Dog Tag"

A handful more reviews from the audience of "The Bronze Bitch Flies At Noon" and "Dog Tag." Thanks to everyone who took the time to post something. Means a lot.

We're still averaging 4-1/2 out of 5 kitties with 9 reviews. I'm very happy with that.

The new posts...


Excellent performance portraying the anguish and trials of a relationship tempered by a moderate dose of humor. The dog led us into the mind of a dog with hilarious results. A serious but funny exploration. - 5 kitties - Richard Heise

great acting- too short.

the acting was the best thing about these shows. the first piece was the better of the two, with a good balance of tenderness and vulnerability with some laughs to balance things out. i thought the second piece, "Dog Tag," didn't give enough of a background and was far too short. the performers were great in both pieces, but the script of "Dog Tag" was just a bit lacking. i also didn't like how similar the two shows were to each other. the second was a bit like like a much simplified version of the first. despite my complaints, though, i liked the show overall: "Bronze Bitch," was interesting in that it's a story you don't hear very often. - 4 kitties - madee weisner

I Wanted it to Keep Going

I loved this show and it left me terribly wanting. It's short. 35 minutes total for both (most Fringe shows run 50-60 minutes). There is shirtlessness and boy-kissing in a totally appropriate and not gratuitous way. The thing is both plays were so well written and so well acted I wanted them to keep going. "The Bronze Bitch Flies at Noon" especially. It's so dialogue-driven, the acting was strong and subtle, and it played really well in the Rarig Center's Arena which is smaller and more intimate. The dog stole the show in "Dog Tag." I won't give away any more on that. The two main characters portrayed the far side of what used to be a relationship, and I totally wanted to know how they got to that point! So great, and it could be so much more. - 5 kitties - Erica Mauter

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