Sunday, November 08, 2015

Writing Challenge - Light The Liar

Challenge: All too often lights and sound support a play rather than participate in the action of a play.  Write a scene where a light cue indicates that character is lying- maybe they figure it out? maybe the liar tries to hide it?


Tired of people lying about gay men and lesbians and just generally making the world unpleasant?  Try the Pink Light Special!

Enter your typical Westboro Baptist Church-style anti-gay protesters: BIGOT DAD, BIGOT MOM, and BIGOT TEEN GIRL.  They chant and wave their similarly worded signs (If you want to be nice, they don’t even have to be misspelled.)

                          BIGOT DAD
God Hates Fags!

BIGOT DAD is bathed in a bright pink light that dances.  He tries to wave it off.

Every time they tell a lie, the pink light bursts forth around them so passersby know they can safely ignore that nonsense.  Plus, it’s a colorful light to brighten everyone’s day.

                          BIGOT MOM
Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!

The pink light dances around BIGOT MOM, much to her unease.

                          BIGOT TEEN GIRL
Gay sex is an abomination before God and man!

The pink light gleefully spotlights BIGOT TEEN GIRL.

                          BIGOT TEEN GIRL (cont’d)
Daddy!  Mommy!  Make it stop!

                          BIGOT MOM
Stand tall in your truth, girl!

                          BIGOT DAD
It’s just the pink light of the devil trying to sow doubt in your mind!

As an added bonus, there’s also the Rainbow Light Closet Detector!  Great for when you need to thin the herd in Congress after unfortunate brushes with the law.

SENATOR CLOSET CASE is trying to hold a press conference.

                          SENATOR CLOSET CASE
My record speaks for itself.  This arrest for solicitation in the men’s restroom at the airport is politically motivated.

                          No pink light.

Well, he’s not lying.  Yet.

                          SENATOR CLOSET CASE
I’m a married man.

                          No pink light.

Still not lying.  Yet.

                          SENATOR CLOSET CASE
I am not a homosexual!

The pink light dances like crazy all around the Senator’s podium/microphone.  In addition, a wild rainbow of color also gleefully taunts him.  The SENATOR tries to make his excuses.

                          SENATOR CLOSET CASE
I was minding my own business in that toilet stall.  I just have a wide stance, and I was picking up a piece of paper.

The lights go crazy.  The SENATOR scurries away, bemoaning -

                          SENATOR CLOSET CASE
I should have brought my wife to this press conference!

Want to make your relatives a little less uncomfortable at holiday gatherings?  The Pink Light Special is good for that, too.

SHARON and ANGELA arrive for dinner with the family.

Hi, everybody.  You remember my good friend, Angela?

ANGELA waves shyly as a warm pink light embraces the two of them.

We have something to tell you.

The rainbow light pulses around them as SHARON and ANGELA take each other’s hand.

Sometimes, it’s a good thing to shine a little light on people’s lies, so everyone can see the truth.  Order the Pink Light Special with Rainbow Light Closet Detector today.  The world will be a much brighter place once you do.

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