Sunday, November 11, 2018

November Writing Challenge 2018 - 11 - Issues and Sex


Race, Gender, income inequality, pollution, healthcare, immigration. Pick an issue that was a big deal to you in the last election.

Now, write a sex scene that challenges you.

Sex, like nudity, only is effective on stage when it’s amplifying something else. It makes it more raw, vulnerable, grotesque, powerful.

Sex also can reverse the normal moral codes- aka perversion.

Some aspect needs to be pornographic meaning arousing to the audience.

Some aspect needs to be absolutely wrenching

Figure out your own climax, but it should NOT be a physical sexual climax.

Play with power inequities. Play with consent. Have fun. Enjoy your naughty self.

(I’m very much looking forward to doing this one.  But for now, on with the post-war puppet show)

ACTOR 2 (PISANIO) escorts the LUCIUS and IACHIMO puppets away, along with ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN/Fidelis) and ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS).

However, ACTOR 2 and ACTRESS 2 have to quickly/awkwardly double back for an impromptu family reunion.

So ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN/Fidelis) has the LUCIUS and IACHIMO puppets shoved into her hands and has to escort herself off to the dungeon.

Then ACTOR 2 reanimates the BELARIUS puppet on his arm and ACTRESS 2 reanimates the GUIDERIUS puppet on her arm and they join -

ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE) and ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS) to catch up on twenty years or so of exposition.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
I thank you for your help in our time of need, strange forest-dwelling citizens.

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)
It was nothing really, your majesty.  We enjoy fighting.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
I was curious about the whole "though wronged and driven into exile" thing?

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
About that.  Funny story.  I actually used to work for you, here in the palace.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
You did?

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Really.  I did.  And while I was in your employ, someone else on the staff stole some priceless baubles from your royal collection.  But they framed me for the deed.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)
They did.

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Really.  They did.  And your Highness, I'm sad to say, believed those who besmirched my good name.  And so you banished me.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
He did?

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Really.  He did.

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)
And you don't remember any of this, your majesty?

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
I banish so many people.  It's honestly hard to keep track.  I'm sure it's in a ledger somewhere.  How long ago was this?

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Twenty years.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
Twenty years?!  Well, I feel a little better that it wasn't on the tip of my tongue.  That is a while.

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Yes, it was quite a while.  But there's more to the story.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
There is?

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Really.  There is.  This is the funny bit, really.  You see, I was so very mad about the damage done to my good name, and the fact that after my many years of faithful service your majesty did not believe my protestations of innocence that - well, I thought - on my way off into exile - why not really steal something?  You know, might as well do what everyone was accusing me of anyway.  Actually commit a crime to fit the unjust punishment that had been inflicted upon me.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
What did you take?

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Your two infant sons.

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
Wait a minute.

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
And I raised them as if they were my own sons.

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)
You did what?!

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
They think their names are -

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)
And Polydore.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
But your names are actually Arviragus and Guiderius!

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
Which one of us is - ?

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
You're Arviragus, he's Guiderius.

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)
Why would you name us that?

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
     (to BELARIUS)
Why would you steal us away from our family?!

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
     (he remembers)

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Yes, my lord.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
So, you didn't steal anything from me originally - ?

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
No, my lord.

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
But then you stole his two infant boys?!

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Yes, but you have to understand, Cadwal -

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
Don't call me that!  It isn't my real name.  You're not my real father.  My whole life has been one big lie - and you're the one who told me that lie!

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
How can I ever trust you again?

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
What?  Oh right, that's me now.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
Did Belarius ever mistreat you?

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
Did he raise you both to be strong men of good character?

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
And when your country was in need; when I, your father, was in need, though Belrius knew it would be dangerous for himself, he still led you into battle against the invaders to save me?

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS) and
                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
Belarius, when the battle was won, you could have left quickly, denied me my sons, and denied my sons their birthright.  But instead you chose to stay, and to tell the truth.

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
Yes, my lord.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
Boys - I should not call you boys, for you are men.  And I cannot call you my sons, for I barely know you.
You may feel you have cause to be angry at Belarius.  That is something you must resolve among the three of you.  And resolve it you should.
For I have great cause to be angry at Belarius, and yet I am not.  He was a father to you when I could not be.

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
But that was because of what he did!  He stole us from you!

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
And he has also brought you back to me.
So I will not spoil this reunion.  I will not punish the man who has been your father.  That would only harm you as well as him.  And I will need his help in learning about the boys you have been, and the men you have become.  If it meet his wishes, he shall live here in the palace with us, not as a servant, but as an advisor.

                          ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet)
That is more than I deserve, my lord, and all that I could ask.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
The first thing you two princes should know is that you have a younger sister.  Until today, she was the sole hope of the future of our kingdom.  How I wish that you could meet her.  But I fear I treated her harshly, and she has disappeared, somewhere outside these palace walls.

ACTOR 2 drops his puppet arm to become PISANIO.

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)
Your majesty?

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
Yes - ?

ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE) can't remember Pisanio's name either.

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)
Pisanio, your majesty.

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)

ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS) is clearly smitten.

ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE) tries to get the conversation back on track.

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)
You had something to say, Pisanio?  Some useful information for us?

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
My name is -

ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS) isn't used to his new name yet and has forgotten.

ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet), seeing his brother's newfound infatuation, helps him out.

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
Arviragus.  My name is Arviragus.  Pisano.

                          ACTRESS 2 (GUIDERIUS, puppet)
He's a prince.

ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)'s hopes are temporarily dashed - the man's out of his league.

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)

                          ACTOR 1 (ARVIRAGUS)
     (hastening to explain)
But it's very recent.
Until yesterday I lived in the woods.

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)
     (maybe there's hope after all)

                          ACTRESS 3 (CYMBELINE)

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)
Oh!  Yes, your majesty.  My apologies.  You had mentioned your daughter.  I believe I know where she is.  It's kind of a long story, but she's currently dressed as a boy and locked up in the dungeon.  You may want to rethink some of those executions.

(to be continued)

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