Monday, November 05, 2018

November Writing Challenge 2018 - 5 - Do It In Reverse

Some Directors apply a conceptual metaphor to a play that helps them sort through all the good ideas and identify which belong in this play, and why. Most directors, however, are really just dramaturgs on a power trip or wannabe actors who think coaching is directing. It’s true. You can say that I said so. 

Don’t get me started on sound designers. :)


Description: Rather than start with the play, let’s start with the metaphor. I’ll give you one- but pick another if you’re the type to reject a perfectly good suggestion. 


Plot: Up to you! But we know that at the end, someone gets something that was withheld- that they deserved. So set up the imbalance in the first scene. Show us the prize, and take it away unjustly. Have someone sit in the bosses chair and cover for his incompetence on a call. Show a mate and the chemistry and then take them away to a total dufus. It’s a McGuffin. 

Progression suggestions: Get that metaphor and its items infused throughout the whole play.

Characters- Start with a clink of glasses between characters- wine, whiskey- maybe we’re at a party.

Someone drops their eyeglasses and everything stops. 

Eyeglasses come off

Someone is hammering or using an ice pick or a gun or something that sure as hell breaks glass-- speaking of which what are we breaking with? A diamond wedding ring? A hammer? Should be a key object and used in the climax of the play.

A telescope or binoculars could be involved?

Rising action- Breaking a window- a portal? The glass table? Something breaks on stage that has glass!
Climax- shards fall on the stage from above. Freedom. Tragedy. You decide.


Set- let’s put it on an upside down tumbler in the elevated round. How about a glass table as well. Let’s put a pretend glass ceiling above them that can shatter and drop shards (sand) that ping on the stage in white noise.


The play opens with that sound when you scrub your finger on the side of a clean glass.

Later we hear the sound of glass- ice?- microbreaking.

Then it happens again, but with the sound of tiny shatterproof drops hitting the glass stage.


The sound of shards scattering on the kitchen floor


Someone should shimmer. Someone should be dull. Someone should be sharp. Someone soft.

(I'm going to have so much material to play with when I re-read all these prompts later this month.  Meanwhile...)
(continuing the Cymbeline riff)

ACTOR 2 reanimates the BELARIUS puppet on his arm, joining ACTRESS 3 with the IACHIMO puppet.

ACTOR 2 (BELARIUS, puppet) and
You were as flowers, now withered; even so
These herblets shall, which we upon you strew.
The ground that gave them first has them again.
Their pleasures here are past, so is their pain.

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet) (cont’d)
And so I retreat into the shadows of the castle until night falls.  Then I sneak into Imogen's room and hide away inside a trunk until she falls asleep.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
Hang on!  Hang on!  What kind of slipshod security do we have in this castle?

ACTRESS 1 reanimates the QUEEN puppet on her arm, for another brief interjection.

                          ACTRESS 1 (QUEEN, puppet)
Lax security is key to my plans to kill your father - I mean, consolidate power.

ACTRESS 1 drops her puppet arm and becomes just IMOGEN again.

ACTOR 1 reanimates the CLOTEN puppet on his arm.

                          ACTOR 1 (CLOTEN, puppet)
And without easy access to your bed chamber, how else am I going to rape - I mean, woo - you?

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Get in line, buddy.  I got here first.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
How do you people get away with - ?

ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN) suddenly falls deeply asleep and begins snoring.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
My love is not a light sleeper.

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Nor a quiet one.  However, that does make it easier for me to -

The others lean in as ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN) continues to snore, unaware of the intruder in her bedroom.

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet) (cont'd)
- commit the details of the room to memory.

                          ACTOR 1 (CLOTEN, puppet)
Wait, what?

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Then I slip the bracelet ever so gently from her wrist.

ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN) continues snoring but rolls over, ad accidentally smacks ACTRESS 3 and/or the IACHIMO puppet in the head; then continues hanging on the puppet, as puppet and ACTRESS 3 awkwardly remove the bracelet.

While maneuvering, IACHIMO the puppet gets an unexpected look down the back of Imogen's nightgown.

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet) (cont'd)
Well, that's something you don't see every day.

                          ACTOR 1 (CLOTEN, puppet)
What!  What!

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Down in the small of her back she has a birthmark that looks like a -

ACTOR 1 (CLOTEN, puppet) eagerly waits for ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet) to complete the sentence.

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet) (cont'd)
You know what?  Never mind.  I shouldn't.

                          ACTOR 1 (CLOTEN, puppet)
Come on, man!

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Nope.  Sneak your own peek some other time, my friend.  I'm storing up this information for my next meeting with Posthumus.

ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN) snores some more, flops back on the bed, releasing ACTRESS 3 and the IACHIMO puppet to make their escape.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
Did someone call my name?

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Why yes!  It is I, Iachimo, returned to Rome.  From Britain.  Where, of course, I banged your wife.  Just as I'd promised.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
I don't believe you.

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Then how would I know this about what her bed chamber looks like?

ACTRESS 3 has the IACHIMO puppet whisper in ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS') ear.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
No!  I will not believe it!

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
How else would I have secured this bracelet?

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
No!  I will not believe it!

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
How else would I know that in the small of her back she has a birth mark that looks like a -

ACTRESS 3 has the IACHIMO puppet whisper in ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS') ear.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
That faithless bitch!  How could she!

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
I believe you owe me a ring.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
This filthy gift from a harlot?!  Take it!  It defiles my hand to continue wearing it!
I am so furious I'm going to write two letters!

                          ACTRESS 3 (IACHIMO, puppet)
Whoa!  I'll get out of your way.

ACTOR 2 drops his puppet arm and becomes PISANIO again.

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)
Two letters from my master, one of them for my lady!

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
Dear Loyal Servant -

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)
I have a name, you know.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
Yes, of course.
What is it again?

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
Dear Pisanio, my loyal servant.
Please convey this other enclosed letter to my wife.
It asks that she rendezvous with me at Milford Haven.
But I will not be there.
She has betrayed me.
I want you to accompany her there, far from the safety of the palace, and then kill her.

                          ACTOR 2 (PISANIO)

ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN) is suddenly wide awake again.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
Hang on!  Hang on!  What the hell?!

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
You have betrayed me.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
No.  I haven't.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
Well, in my defense, in the linear course of the actual plot of the original play, I didn't know that at the time.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
You just took this guy's word for it?

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
He knew about your bed chamber.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
So does any halfwit who took the palace tour.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
He knew about your birthmark.  He had the bracelet I gave you.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
And it didn't occur to you that maybe he stole the bracelet?

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
You swore you would never take it off.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
So it never crossed your mind that he might have raped me or done me harm?

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
There wasn't any blood on the bracelet.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
He could have washed it off!

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
Did he rape or otherwise harm you?

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
No, but that isn't because I had sex with him!

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
I'm in exile in Rome. 
Royal people are notoriously horny.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
No, working class people are notoriously horny.

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
Did you believe I was cheating on you?

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
No, because I love you and I trust you and if someone accused you of being unfaithful to me I would contact you and give you a chance to defend yourself against the charges before I hired someone to kill you!

                          ACTRESS 2 (POSTHUMUS)
I'm new to this marriage stuff.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)

ACTRESS 1 reanimates the QUEEN puppet on her arm, for another brief aside.

                          ACTRESS 1 (QUEEN, puppet) (cont’d)
Men are idiots, dear.  It's why we have poison.
To help consolidate power.

                          ACTOR 1 (CLOTEN, puppet)
Now will you have sex with me?

ACTRESS 1 drops her puppet arm and becomes just IMOGEN again.

                          ACTRESS 1 (IMOGEN)
No!  What is wrong with you people?!

(to be continued)

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