Monday, July 26, 2004

In My Mailbox

I love show cards.

I don't know why. I should probably consider them junk mail, but I just like the idea of all these theater companies and plays and actors playwrights and such finding their way to my mailbox for me to peruse.

So many options. And in the case of the Fringe, just way, way too many to choose from.

But just to know theater is alive and kicking (and in many case, kicking ass) is just a heck of a fun.

The other day it was the official Fringe Festival card (one card to signify so many)

and of course Visible Fringe.

I've been looking at some of the art on the website. I'm looking forward to seeing some of it up close at last.

Today, more Fringers...

Women! Live On Stage!
from Theatre Unbound
Minneapolis Theatre Garage
"A young actress auditions for a show about the history of women in theatre. She definitely gets more than she bargained for"
(as will we, I have no doubt)
I love the Unbounders, and they're on my list of shows to see, year round, but definitely at Fringe as well. More on them shortly.
Last year, they did The Love Talker, which caused me to both drool and scratch my befuddled head at the same time - which ain't easy.

Sherlock Holmes - Murder at the Abbey Grange
from Hardcover Theater
also at the Minneapolis Theatre Garage
adapted by a fellow playwright friend Mark Steven Jensen
I like me some Sherlock Holmes, ever since I was a kid. That's always a draw.

Cuckooland Revisited
from Interact Theatre
at Interact Theatre
with our own beloved Kevin Kling in the cast
Gods, Goddesses, Evil Doers, a Dimwitted World Leader and a cast of 30!
A musical political satire inspired by Aristophanes' "The Birds"
(wow, the Greeks really did do everything first)
I don't know which of all those things makes me love this show most. It's impossible to decide. I desperately needed a giggle or two, and the card gave me one. Imagine what seeing the actual show could do for my disposition?

An interesting little grab bag of mail today. Check 'em out, folks.

(For more of my writing - plays, past blog entries and more - visit

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