Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Save This Show From Its Title (first in a series)

Seriously, in this case, don't judge a book by its cover.

Titles are hard.

And perhaps I have little room to talk, having once written a play with a catchy title (The Bronze Bitch Flies At Noon) only to change it to something rather opaque in a production setting (Mountains of Instead - I mean, sure it was from a poem by Auden but c'mon). At least I had the good sense to change it back again, but still...

And my show in the Fringe this year (Dandelion Snow) also doesn't have a title that screams "this is what our play is about"

But you also don't want a title that's gonna give people the wrong idea.

Hypocratic Oath for Titles - First, do no harm.

Boldly Going Nowhere


Tod Peterson is a gifted comic actor and musical talent. He's truly one of the top guys in town for either or both. A show of his where he's sharing new material is something to see.

And for his fan base, and Illusion Theatre's fan base, and anyone who gets a look at his charming headshot, it's probably a no-brainer. They'll be there.

But if I didn't know better...

I'd think the person was going to ramble on to no particular purpose - or that it had something to do with Klingons and tribbles. If you've got over 175 shows to choose from, and only so many hours in the day, do you want to hand over an hour to someone who doesn't know where they're going? Flipping through just the titles, my brain said, "No" - but then I found out who it was...

I'm here to say that you should boldly go, and see it. Tod never fails to entertain. You won't be wasting your time. Get beyond the title and join the many people already mentally lined up to see this show.

(For more of my writing - plays, past blog entries and more - visit www.matthewaeverett.com)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I love Tod too, but in opposition to what you said (Tod never fails to entertain), I saw his show last year, and he certainly failed to entertain ME. And most of the others in the audience whose whispers I eavesdropped in the enormous elevator after the show. I heard that Tod's show last year was published in the Pioneer Press's list of shows to MISS, but I bucked the odds (how often do I agree with "expert" critics?) and regretted it...
