Thursday, August 12, 2004

My Fringe for Thursday, August 12th

Show count as of yesterday, 24 (26 if you count my return trips to Dandelion Snow and Philosophy: The Music of Ben Folds)

Dandelion Snow
Out On Stage Productions
MCTC Whitney Mainstage

Did you really expect me to be anywhere else?
Audience reviews are generally quite good. And the Star Tribune said this, "Playwright Matthew Everett is a diehard romantic. He unashamedly wears his heart on his sleeve in this sweet tale of love lost and found. Dana and Ash were high school sweethearts who meet again in their thirties. Everett handles a complex web of relationships past and present with subtlety and gentle good humor. The simple production and strong performances underscore the play's emotional honesty." (William Randall Beard) Only three performances left, including this one.

Click on our Fringe page, add it to your schedule and come join us.

If you want to learn more about the play, read excerpts, etc., swing on by my website.

I was originally going to see Pipes, because I love the work that Skewed Visions does. Three performances left - Thursday, Friday, Sunday - and highly recommended.

Click on the following to read some of the reasons I'm so interested in this show.

Click on their Fringe page and add it to your schedule.

But now I'm saving them for later in the week and I'm going to sneak in another show I've heard a lot of good things about...

Everything and Nothing All At The Same Time
Theater Transcendare
Hennepin (Hey City) Stages, upstairs

A lot of people have been recommending this one to me as just a heck of a lot of fun. Because I was out of town for much of the 2002 Fringe, I had to miss "Shakespeare for Breakfast," both the show and cast still being famous or infamous (depending on who you talk to). Now Jon Ferguson from that popular troupe is back from England with a new show and it's one of the Fringe pages with an awful lot of audience reviews on it, the bulk of them very positive. To generate that kind of audience response, both positive and negative, with a title that vague, is pretty impressive. So on many levels, though I know him not, my curiousity has been piqued. We shall see...

Click on his Fringe page to add him and his merry band of travelers to your schedule as well.

VISION'S TALE: Curse of the Machine / Cycles of Social Haunting / Birth of Vision
Infinity Star Productions
CalibanCo Theatre

I missed this one back on my own opening night on Saturday with Mom, and I still really want to give it a look.

Click on the following to see why

or just go to their Fringe page and add them to your schedule and find out for yourself.

Feeling Faust
CalibanCo Theatre

I wrote about this theatre before as one of the many companies I want to support because they're supporting the Fringe by opening their doors as doors were once opened to them when they were starting out. I also think the idea for their show is an intriguing spin on an classic tale.

Click on the following to read up on why I like them and this show

or just go to their Fringe page and put them on your schedule.

Also visit their website to see what they're up to in their season for the rest of the year -

(For more of my writing - plays, past blog entries and more - visit

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