Monday, August 09, 2004

The Reasons I'm Going To See...

The 7 Project
Red Dilemma
Intermedia Arts

1. Film Junkie - As much as I love theatre, I'm equally in love with film. Netflix is like crack to me. The Fringe used to have a film component but it was before the Fringe fully took over my life so I didn't get to enjoy it. I'm glad film is finding its way back to the Fringe.

2. 7 Short Films, 7 Deadly Sins, a variety of filmmakers and styles (comedy, drama, mockumentary, political, music video) - it's a great concept.

3. Sluttony - the picture of a guy eating junk food on their Fringe page has what I'm sure is meant to be the word "Gluttony" over his head. But when I first saw it, the lower case "g" looked like an "s," so I thought we were combining sins to save time and money and get to hell faster - which I just thought was a very efficient and amusing way to go.

4. Gene Landry has sent me some of the most amusing emails about his project - an excerpt..."the ENVY director dropped out early and was replaced; LUST dropped out one week later and the new ENVY director switched to take his spot, we got a new director for ENVY. LAST WEEK, ANGER stopped returning phone calls and voicemail and has disappeared from the face of the planet. I have inserted A previously produced piece of mine in the ANGER slot."

5. Gee, I'd come up with more reasons, you know, just to round it out, but there's a whole bunch of reviews that need writin' - so I'll let that suffice. I'm sure I'll have more to say after I indulge in the 7 Deadly Sins tonight.

While You're At It - other recommendations and reviews for shows that, if you like any of the other top ten/sure thing shows I mentioned, might also be of interest to you:

The Valets (for the Plants and Animals crowd)
Punk Rock Awesome (for the In Defense of Sin crowd)
Delaware, And Other Lies (for the Kevin Kling crowd)
Osama Kincaid, Painter of Terror (for the Death Penalty Puppetry crowd)
Pipes (for the Origin of Consciousness crowd)
Lokasenna (for the Metamorphoses crowd)
EAT! A Generous Buffet of Karen Carpenter's Songbook (for the Philosophy/Ben Folds crowd)
Tequila (for the Philosophy/Ben Folds crowd)
VISION'S TALE: Curse of the Machine / Cycles of Social Haunting / Birth of Vision (for the Judas Cradle crowd)
The Queen of Block E (for the Beaded Fringe crowd)
Whiskey Bars (for the Knock! crowd)
Look Ma, No Pants: The Last One (for the Improv A Go-Go crowd)
Jack & Ben's 10th Annual Bar Crawl and Moveable Feast (for the Improv A Go-Go crowd)
The Swimmer (for the 10,000 Comic Books crowd)
Six Steps Part Deux (for the 10,000 Comic Books crowd)
KBYE Now News Hour (for the 10,000 Comic Books crowd)
A Superhero Story (for the 10,000 Comic Books crowd)

(For more of my writing - plays, past blog entries and more - visit

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