Monday, August 06, 2018

Fringe 2018 - Day 4 - Sunday 8/5 - Tweet Overview

1pm - Night Sets Her Foot In Morocco - Minnesota SkyVault Theater - Rarig Arena

tweet review - #mnfringe show 14 - Night Sets Her Foot In Morocco - less music/more wacky antics in the audience than I was expecting, but still a heck of a lot of fun - 4 stars

2:30pm - Saint Ex - Spaceheater - Rarig Arena

tweet review - #mnfringe show 15 - Saint Ex - (still noodling over this one) - physical poem where dancer channels both an author/pilot and his wife - compelling visual images, puzzling out what it adds up to - 4 stars

4pm - Dangerous When Wet: Booze, Sex and My Mother - Jamie Brickhouse - Augsburg Studio

tweet review - #mnfringe show 16 - Dangerous When Wet: Booze, Sex and My Mother - @jamiebrickhouse weaves a tale you couldn't tell just anybody's mother, but my Mom and I both liked it a lot; Brickhouse spares neither his mother nor himself but it's a hell of a story - 5 stars

5:30pm - A Gertrude Stein Christmas - Theatre Unbound - Augsburg Mainstage

tweet review - #mnfringe show 17 - A Gertrude Stein Christmas - @TheatreUnbound's got a weird one here, but bless Stein's oddball little heart; strange dialogue interpreted as all-female holiday family tale dealing with dementia and introducing a new girlfriend to the clan - 5 stars

Link to full "Gertrude Stein Christmas" review

7pm - Kaboom - Sheep Theater - Rarig Thrust

tweet review - #mnfringe show 18 - Kaboom - hats off to Sheep Theater for their latest lunatic farcical Fringe hit; allowed me to laugh (a lot) at something involving a president and nuclear war in a way I didn't think possible right now - 4.5 stars

8:30pm - The Flashlight Zone: 20 Science Fiction Plays In One Hour - Flash Grenade Productions - TRP

tweet review - #mnfringe show 19 - The Flashlight Zone: 20 Sci-Fi Plays in One Hour (order chosen at random by audience) - figured I'd like it, pleasantly surprised by how much I loved it; someone asked Twilight Zone/Dark Mirror? I replied more Bradbury/Douglas Adams sci-fi - 5 stars

Link to full "Flashlight Zone" review

10pm - Mrs. Wrights - Quasimondo Physical Theatre - Rarig X

tweet review - #mnfringe show 20 - Mrs. Wrights - 2 biographical dance pieces in 1 day; here, a graceful, athletic dancer channeling 3 wives, 1 mom, 1 mistress and Frank Lloyd Wright himself; visually sharp, factually a bit top-heavy, overall a success - 4.5 stars

Here's some handy links to reviews of 5 Star Shows, 4.5 Star Shows, 4 Star Shows, 3 Star Shows, and my full Top 10, Top 11-20 and Returning Favorites lists.

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