Friday, July 16, 2004

Fringe 2004 - The Next Generation
Who are the Fringers of the future?
We may be getting a glimpse at some of them now - young Fringe Bingers who decided to put on Fringe shows of their own this year and join the happy, messy throng...
Two groups of young women, both dealing with what goes on in the ladies' room (one about scribblings on the walls, the other about something past generations used to refer to as Aunt Flo coming to visit once a month) - and another co-ed group of young improv artists (so there's probably some bathroom humor on hand there as well).  They are...
The Writings on the Bathroom Stall
Look Mom: I Wrote a Play
Pillsbury House Theatre

A rockin' story of a school trapped in a power struggle. Created by eight teenage girls. This isn't a teen movie, it's the crap in school you try to forget.   (That's the young ladies' description, since they can get away with talking like that in a way I no longer can.)
Goddess Menses & the Menstrual Show
Youth Performance Company
Howard Conn Fine Arts Center
This is part of YPC's new project, The PG-13 Initiative ("the voice of the teen as it speaks to the teen spirit"), where they gather a group of young artists and create a show about a topic of interest to them.  "Goddess Menses" was the first project, mounted last year, which was so popular they were asked several times to bring it back.  So, it's coming to the Fringe.  In their words, "A wild and funny show about every woman's favorite time of the month. Using sketch comedy, musical parody, and personal stories we shed light on the taboo subject of menstruation."
Why You Shouldn't Leave the Future to Us
BNI (Brave New Institute) Teen Improv Troupe: Rebels Without Applause
Pillsbury House Theatre

Deep thoughts and sketch comedy. An original, satirical look at modern times, through the eyes of the improv troupe, Rebels Without Applause.  
The coaches of the BNI Teen Improv Troupe, Jen Scott and Ahna Brandvik weigh in with more...
"Every Sunday about 15 kids, age 13-18, from across the metro area get together to study long form improv at the Brave New Workshop.  Since its creation, the Teen Improv Troupe has produced a Fringe show (2002), attended and performed at the Chicago Improv Festival (2003), performed at the weekly 'adult' improv carnival 'Improv A Go Go,' and continue to practice and perform.  It's hard not to sound like a geeky soccer mom when raving about them: they're an amazing mix of different social classes, backgrounds, interests and are all just super smart and very very funny.  Right now [as a work in progress], the theme seems to be focused on the media and its perceived differences of people (and hopefully some ninjas)."
Gotta love those ninjas.  And you really gotta love a new generation making us...uh, slightly artists feel a little less like theater is a dead art form going out of style.  Live performance still has its drawing power, for humans of any stripe.  And so I'll probably be dropping by to get a hit of youthful energy and enthusiasm.  I recommend others join me.
(For more of my writing - plays, past blog entries and more - visit

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