Friday, July 16, 2004

Save This Show From Its Title (second in a series)
Seriously, in this case, don't judge a book by its cover.

The Great Masturbators 
Only Child Productions
Jungle Theater
Based on the title, I wasn't even going to bother.  As Woody Allen said, "Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone I love," but really, it's a private thing.  I can stay home and do it for free.

However, this is apparently what it's really about - "...the desires, failed dreams, and neurosis of three exceptional men: Salvador Dali, Luis Bunuel, and Federico Garcia Lorca, as they thumb thier noses at art and cinema, intellect and audience, religion, sexuality, and life in general. Living in 1920's Spain, these men grow from pranksters posing as artists, gain acceptance into surrealist clubs, become ostracized for their individuality, and then carve their own niche in the world of art"
As anyone who heard me holding forth last year about "Oil On Canvas" at the Fringe will tell you, I'm not fond of art about artists.  It can be good but is often self-pitying and self-indulgent.  Sort of like...
According to a friend of mine with a background in art history, Dali really did like to masturbate a lot (so they were apparently thumbing more than just their noses).  But really, as a title?  It's either pandering to make the audience do a doubletake, or it's more accurate about the content than I want to contemplate right now.  (And I must admit, in many ways, it is very much a Fringe title.  In some ways, too much.)
Even I, who don't like art about artists, look at a roster of Dali, Bunuel and Lorca and think, "Damn, that might be an interesting play."

So if, like me, you're on the fence.  Give it a chance.

(For more of my writing - plays, past blog entries and more - visit

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