Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fringe 2008 - 3-1/2 Star Shows

These are links to a whole lot of short reviews, as the days flew past and blogging time was just mighty hard to find. These were a cut above your average Fringe show...

3-1/2 Stars - Good Job Plus

All Rights Reserved: A Libertarian Rage - Maximum Verbosity

8/10/2008 - Day 8 - Down and Dirty version
Twin Cities Daily Planet version

The Boyshow - Youth Performance Company

8/10/2008 - Day 8 - Down and Dirty version
Twin Cities Daily Planet version

Jack - Eric Van Wyck

8/7/2008 - Day 7 - Down and Dirty version
Twin Cities Daily Planet version

Mortem Capiendum - Four Humors

8/10/2008 - Day 8 - Down and Dirty version
Twin Cities Daily Planet version

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