Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fringe 2019 - Top 20 - #12 - A Confederate Widow in Hell – Breaker/Fixer Productions (Willi Carlisle, Joseph Fletcher) – Southern

Description - After 150 years of waiting, a widow has returned to resolve her eternal fate. Armed with mementos from her past life, she faces the legacy of the American South in this irreverent, ghostly dramedy.

One of the scheduling regrets that Mom and I had in Fringe 2017 was missing Breaker/Fixer’s There Ain’t No More.  Friends whose opinions we trusted were raving about it, sometimes from the stage of their own Fringe shows.  And we saw their preview the night before the festival started that year and we really liked it.  I couldn’t even make it work on my remaining schedule after Mom left at her usual time, mid-Fringe.  Just missed it all the way around.

So this is a chance, at least for me, to rectify that this Fringe.  Honestly, if it was anyone else, the word "confederate" would be enough to turn me off these days.  But since it’s Breaker/Fixer, I’m giving it a look. 

Previous outings of this production have garnered reviews calling it “richly unsettling,” “powerful... worth seeking out,” and, just for good measure, “a whirlwind deconstruction of historical revisionism” (which I think puts my discomfort with “confederate” to rest).

Bring on the “ghostly possessions and prophetic visions.”

First show - Thursday, August 1, 2019, 7pm - Southern Theater

For a quick list of links to my other postings, check out my Top 10 and Top 11-20 new Fringe artists to check out for Fringe 2019.  There's also Returning Favorites, and Fringe Shows I Just Can't Watch Right Now, but You Probably Should.  If you want to keep me company, during my first Fringe without Mom, I'll be posting my schedule here.  Also, here's some links if you want to hit all the Fringe 2019 blog posts, or see the full Fringe Archive from years past (just keep scrolling down, or hit the different years in the archive listing for the full blog on the right side of the screen and zero in on July and August)

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