Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fringe 2019 Shows I Just Can’t Watch Right Now, but You Probably Should - part 2

Cat Confidential: The Secret Lives of the Mothers of Lions – Weggel Productions - TRP

Description: The co-creator of best-selling Fringe franchise “Couple Fight” brings you a variety show starring the mothers of CATS! Treat yourself to music, storytelling and sketches by 10 talented and mighty women.

Their Fringe show page goes on to say:

“Take Couple Fight, but take out the couples, and add piles and piles of cats. That's what you get with Cat Confidential. Ten talented women will weave honest stories, beautiful music, and hilarious sketches through an hour of cat-themed content. Whether you love cats or whether you hate them (but why would you, you MONSTER), the show will delight you, tickle your funny bone, and make you feel all the feels. Just like our cats do.”

Anna Weggel has assembled a lot of great collaborators including Lauren Anderson in the director’s chair and Heather Meyer as one of the writer performers, just for starters.

This show is tailor-made for Mom.  One of her great regrets when she was hospitalized was that she didn’t have the daily companionship of her cat, Aurora.  And unlike the dog, the cat wasn’t great about traveling for a visit.  Mom did get to see Aurora through FaceTime (though I’m sure the cat was very confused and a little annoyed that I kept following her around the house with a phone).  Mom was really looking forward to a chance to sit in her chair or lie down in her own bed again and nap with the cat by her side.  But the planned home visit didn’t materialize before Mom died.  Every day, though, she’d get out her phone and look at pictures of the cat, and show them to the staff and her fellow patients.

So, I know Cat Confidential is a comedy, but if I go, I’m just going to sit there crying, and not quietly.  (Hell, the publicity image makes me cry - and that’s not its intended purpose.)  So it’s best if I stay away from this one, at least this year.  If it goes well, like Couple Fight, perhaps there will be a sequel I’ll have the strength to enjoy in future years.

But you should go see it now, really.  With artists this good, the comedy is bound to work on you just the way it was intended.  If you need a laugh, this would be a reliable place to find one.

First show - Friday, August 2, 2019, 8:30pm - Theatre In the Round Players (TRP)

For a quick list of links to my other postings, check out my Top 10 and Top 11-20 new Fringe artists to check out for Fringe 2019.  There's also Returning Favorites, and Fringe Shows I Just Can't Watch Right Now, but You Probably Should.  If you want to keep me company, during my first Fringe without Mom, I'll be posting my schedule here.  Also, here's some links if you want to hit all the Fringe 2019 blog posts, or see the full Fringe Archive from years past (just keep scrolling down, or hit the different years in the archive listing for the full blog on the right side of the screen and zero in on July and August)

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