The Flowershop Project is doing my Medea & Jason play, so I'm spreading the word about auditions where I can. If you're free for rehearsals starting at the end of August, for a production in October, send them an email as outlined below and sign yourself up for a slot.
Here's the notice...
The Flower Shop Project will be holding auditions for “Medea and Jason: Rubicon Waltz” by Matthew Everett and directed by Brenna Jones, on
June 13th and 14th, 7-9 pm
at Epworth Methodist Church (3207 37th Avenue South).
If necessary, callbacks will be held June 15th, same time and place.
To schedule an audition please email David Schlosser at
with your name, preferred audition time and phone number. You will get an email shortly confirming your audition time. There is a $100 stipend for each actor.
Readings will be from the script. Sides and the script are available at http://www.matthewaeverett.com/plays/scenes.php?playID=52, as well as http://www.theflowershopproject.com.
"Medea’s sons want her to tell them a story. So Medea tells the tale of an epic love story gone horribly wrong – the story of how the young adventurer Jason met the princess Medea, the story of how the boys’ mother met their father. Medea conjures the other players in the tale, unfolding the origin of the Golden Fleece, and the quest of Jason and the Argonauts. But truth is a slippery thing – depending on the person telling the story, and the reasons they’re telling it. The messier the story gets, the more variations appear. Throughout, the goddesses and gods of legend meddle in affairs of the human heart. Medea betrayed her father and her country in order to help Jason obtain the Golden Fleece. She helped murder her own brother to aid their escape. Before it was all over, a giant, two kings, and a princess, among others, were dead. And depending on which version you believe, Medea’s sons die as well. But who kills them, and why? Medea & Jason: Rubicon Waltz explores the stories and lies we tell others, and ourselves.”
(If you're unable to make the audition dates but would still like to audition, we're more than happy to make alternate arrangements! You can email David Schlosser at david@theflowershopproject.com or call Brenna at 612.280.2860.)
Rehearsals will begin at Epworth on August 29th and run through September; either Monday-Thursday (7-10pm) and Saturday afternoon, or Mon-Fri.There will be no rehearsal on the night of the Ivey’s.
Performances will be at the Bryant Lake Bowl, opening October 1st and running the rest of the Saturdays of the month.
“Medea and Jason: Rubicon Waltz” has 9 roles and is designed to be performed by an ensemble of actors both male and female. At some point, nearly all of them will play across gender lines. The only place where specific gender is vital is in the 2 central characters. Since this is in part a play about the inequity of gender roles in societies both ancient and not so ancient, it is important that Medea be played by a female actor, and that Jason be played by a male actor. The other 7 roles can be played by either gender.
MEDEA - female, 20’s to 50’s
JASON - male, 20’s to 50’s
ACTOR 3 (male or female, 20s to 50s) - Oracle at Delphi, Apsyrtus #1, lead on Golden Fleece story, lead on Island of Dawn/Talus stories, Daughter #5
ACTOR 4 (male or female, 20s to 50s) - Cupid, Warrior #1, Apsyrtus #2, Daughter #4, lead on the Hera/Argo story, King Creon
ACTOR 5 (male or female, 20s to 50s) - Aphrodite, Apsyrtus #3, lead on the First Meet story, Daughter #3, Glauke
ACTOR 6 (male or female, 20s to 50s) - Hera, Warrior #3, Apsyrtus #4, lead on daughters story
ACTOR 7 (male or female, 20s to 50s) - King Pelias, Warrior #2, Alexander the Great
ACTOR 8 (male or female, 20s to 50s) - Fred, Talus, Daughter #2, lead on the Pelias story, lead on Apsyrtus story
ACTOR 9 (male or female, 20s to 50s) - King Aeetes, Daughter #1, King Aegeus
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