Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Half-way Point: My Fringe So Far

5 days, 23 shows. Phew. No wonder I'm tired.

Here's the quick and dirty rundown on everything I've seen, with links to more information and their Fringe pages so you can add one of their remaining performances to your schedule...

5 star shows
For me, this means I love them unreservedly and there's little or no room for improvement - click on the title for their Fringe page to add to your schedule, click on the link next to the title to hear more from me on this show's pros and cons

Death Penalty Puppetry (full review)
Knock! (full review)
The Lives of the Most Notorious Highwaymen (full review)
Look Ma, No Pants: The Last One (full review)
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (more from me in brief, full review to follow)
Philosophy: The Music of Ben Folds (full review)
Plants and Animals (full review)

4-1/2 star shows
Love and highly recommend them, but maybe there was one little thing which could have made it even better - click on the title for their Fringe page to add to your schedule, click on the link next to the title to hear more from me on this show's pros and cons

Dandelion Snow (more on Dandelion Snow later)
Patrick and James: A Love Story (more from me in brief, full review to follow)
The Swimmer (more from me in brief, full review to follow)
This Love Train Is Unstoppable And I Am The Conductor (full review)
Whiskey Bars (full review)

4 star shows
Love and recommend them. Wanted to love them more, and more than one little thing would probably be required to do it - click on the title for their Fringe page to add to your schedule, click on the link next to the title to hear more from me on this show's pros and cons

10,000 Comic Books (full review)
Fast Fringe 1: The Agony (more on Fast Fringe later)
Fast Fringe 2: The Ecstasy (more on Fast Fringe later)
Improv A Go-Go: Deathmatch (full review)
Women! Live On Stage! (more from me in brief, full review to follow)

3-1/2 star shows
Rough around the edges but still above average and well worth your time - click on the title for their Fringe page to add to your schedule, click on the link next to the title to hear more from me on this show's pros and cons

The 7 Project (more from me in brief, full review to follow)
Dix (this show's gone now, but here's what I thought)
The Judas Cradle (full review)
Mary Kelley Sunshine Box (full review)
U Betcha! eX-posed! (more from me in brief, full review to follow)
The Valets (full review)

(For more of my writing - plays, past blog entries and more - visit

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