Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fringe Top 10 - #6 - The Happy Vagina Puppet Show - Dangerous Productions

How is it that when you type the word Vagina into the Fringe website search engine The Happy Vagina Puppet Show is the only show that comes up?  Is the Fringe getting soft or less edgy?  We seem to be vagina deficient, how is that possible?  At any rate, that’s a side issue.  Dangerous Productions creeped me the heck out with their offering in the Twin Cities Horror Festival last fall, Hear No Evil.  I have no idea how they do happy, puppets or vaginas, but these are theater artists impressive enough to make we want to find out.  Added bonus, Shannon Leach in this cast was one half of my sexy robot in Love Bot in Gadfly’s sci fi short play festival earlier this year, so I’m always happy to see her on stage again.

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