Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Fringe 2020 - Virtual Fringe - Nightly Fringe 8 - Thursday, August 6

Thursday 8/9 for the Nightly Fringe is an evening of drugs, mental illness, and song:

In the 7 to 7:30pm slot:

8 Pills and Counting, a new play written and directed by Gabriel Brosius

"Queerness, schizophrenia, and schizotypal disorder:
[editor's note: just to be clear, only those last two are mental illnesses, not the queerness]
real men, real stories, really bad times at the pharmacy."

Cast is listed as: Milton Espinoza Jr., Pryor Krugman, Will Wallentine

The warnings in the press materials for this one are longer than the show description:
Abuse/Physical violence, Adult language, Crude humor, Drug content, Mental illness, Sexual content, Sexual violence, Suicidal ideation/Self-harm, Violence

So, you know, a comedy.  And again, only a half an hour.

However, queerness, and a new play, so I'm in.

(for ages 18 and up only)

In the 8 to 8:30pm slot:

The Champagne Drops: The In-Between Years

"The Champagne Drops reflect on those awkward, angsty years of early adolescence. Looking back on our days of braces and questionable crushes, we celebrate the music we loved (and hated), the feelings we didn't understand, and the female friendships that got us through. Join us and our ukuleles for some nostalgic covers, new originals, and embarrassing stories."

Leslie Vincent is back, after strumming and singing TV show theme songs on Monday, this time with Emily Dussault, another local actor/singer of note.  And two ukuleles this time!

(No warnings; for ages 7 to 11 and up)

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