Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fringe 2019 - Top 20 - #11 - Which Middle Name of “Philip Seymour Hoffman” Are YOU? – alleged Theatre Co. (Jake Mierva, Danylo Loutchko) – Ritz Studio

Description - Get it? Cause ‘Seymour’ is his only middle name. It’s funny. Well, we thought so too, until we got in too deep. Far too deep. We need your help to take this internet quiz before we lose our minds.

This one’s a catch-up appointment for me.  I was all set to see alleged’s production Four Square at the beginning of May, and then I got a call that Mom had a brain tumor.  Obviously, the artists understood my needing to take a rain check on seeing their work.  But I was actually really curious to see the production, and their particular brand of theater.

This one is, of course, completely different, but I imagine their sensibility carries through from one production to the next.  The set-up certainly sounds equally oddball.  The press materials call it:

“an internet personality quiz in the form of a theatre performance.  Danylo and Jake (performers & creators) found this mysterious personality quiz on the internet and are trying to get the audience to take it as many times as possible during the show.  Working with the audience, they must somehow get the 'correct' result, otherwise the malicious and mysterious creator of this quiz will seek retribution.  Will they succeed?”

The bios of the performers on their Fringe show page gives a hint of their sense of humor:

Jake Mierva first met Philip Seymour Hoffman in his dreams at age 12. This was, of course, prior to him having seen any of his work. Hoffman told Mierva, "Don't you dare", and that's haunted him ever since. As of 2019, Jake's a big fan of "Boogie Nights.”

Danylo Loutchko (age 24, but doesn’t look it) knew who Philip Seymour Hoffman was before he knew who Truman Capote was. So when he read “In Cold Blood” in high school, he kept imagining that Philip Seymour Hoffman had written it. It was confusing. He also hopes one day he has an acting role that is as perfect and iconic as Philip Seymour Hoffman’s role in “The Big Lebowski.”

Philip Seymour Hoffman's profound quote, "I know I wasn't as handsome as some other guys, but I was OK with that" gave young Chris the confidence necessary to make it through those early years…

They’re weird, but also strangely endearing.  I’m going.

First show - Saturday, August 3, 2019, 2:30pm - Ritz Theater Studio

For a quick list of links to my other postings, check out my Top 10 and Top 11-20 new Fringe artists to check out for Fringe 2019.  There's also Returning Favorites, and Fringe Shows I Just Can't Watch Right Now, but You Probably Should.  If you want to keep me company, during my first Fringe without Mom, I'll be posting my schedule here.  Also, here's some links if you want to hit all the Fringe 2019 blog posts, or see the full Fringe Archive from years past (just keep scrolling down, or hit the different years in the archive listing for the full blog on the right side of the screen and zero in on July and August)

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