Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Returning Favorite - Minnerican Productions - Broken English, Mother Tongue - Mixed Blood

Stories of growing up between languages and cultures of Puerto Rico and the US. This post-hurricane update of a 2016 Fringe favorite will have its east coast premiere at the juried 2018 NYC Fringe Festival.

Javier Morillo was a favorite of both mine and Mom’s last year with his one-man storytelling show A Resister's Handbook (for holding onto optimism in shitty times).  He was in the top 10 shows I was anticipating before the Fringe, and among the top 10 shows I enjoyed the most actually seeing in the Fringe.

I missed Broken English, Mother Tongue the first time around, so I’m glad it’s back with a post-hurricane Puerto Rico update this year.  I’m sure Mom will be, too.

Some additional press info I received says: “Javier Morillo weaves personal stories of growing on a US Army base in Puerto Rico with the history of the island’s complex relationship to the United States. Note: The audience may be quizzed on its knowledge of Puerto Rican history—but don’t worry—like Puerto Rico, all answers are, well, complicated. Morillo is a Minnesota labor leader, storyteller, writer, and noted political commentator.”

For a little sample, you can check out the video of his Fringe preview.

Here's some handy links to the full Top 10, Top 11-20 and Returning Favorites lists.

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